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Manager Toolkit

What is it?

The purpose of this toolkit is to codify my managerial experience, bundle helpful templates, share with other managers, and learn from those more experienced than myself. This toolkit should get a new manager up and running, or help when starting a new team or job. This toolkit is a living wiki. The content will grow and shift as I learn from others and I gain more experience. I'm not a perfect manager. I have knowledge gaps and blind spots. I have focused on growing in some areas and have neglected others and, as such, content will be patchy in some areas.

Is this toolkit for you?

I think this toolkit will work best for:

  • Someone who has a specific knowledge gap they want to plug (e.g. How do I successfully guide career growth).
  • New managers looking to not make the same mistakes others have.
  • Anyone looking to create their own toolkit - just fork mine!
  • Others who have advice to share. I'd love to learn from you.

What's covered in this toolkit?

The toolkit is broken down into three main categories, as inspired by Andrei Gridnev's blog post.

  1. People Management - hiring, career growth, performance feedback, culture, etc.
  2. Delivery Leadership - planning, assigning tasks, liaising with other teams and/or customers, status reporting, etc.
  3. Technical System Ownership - technical design, managing technical debt, security, monitoring and alerting, technology adoption, etc.

The opinions I've put forth in this wiki are my own. In my reading, experience and understanding of how others work this is what I've taken away as useful and fitting within my management philosophy.
